


I contributed with gdlm91 on the creation of this project.

React cute dice is a library that gives you three ways to implement a dice. You can use a fully functional dice with a cute design; use our cute dice and control it with your own logic, or use our useCuteDice hook and create your dice with a custom look and feel without worrying about the functionality.

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It is a web tool made in HTML, CSS, Sass JS, React, and typescript, which consists of a system that stores recipes, where you can plan your food menu and it gives you a final shopping list. In the tools you can load recipes and view them, these recipes can be selected in the virtual weekly calendar that serves as a meal planner, and this planning results in another module, the list of ingredients you need for all planned meals. It uses Firebase as the database.

Live demo


This project has been created to carry out a direct information search engine on Wikipedia. The search has been carried out so that when writing the search is performed, showing a series of results and it has a button in which a random article from Wikipedia is obtained

Live demo


I contributed with gdlm91 on the creation of this project.

It is a web table drinking game made in HTML, CSS, JS, React and TypeScript. The game is like any board game, where you must throw the virtual dice and you must perform the actions indicated by the box on the board, the first to arrive will win.

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project and consists of a countdown clock, that has 2 lapses of time that you can modify until 60 minutes. This click has 3 buttons, one is the play one which makes the countdown start, and when this time it's over, automatically start the second lapse of time. The second button is to pause the time and the third button is which rewind to default time.

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project and consists of a calculator that makes addition, subtraction, multiply, and divide.

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project a consists of a drum machine that when you press some keys on the keyboard or click on the button, will hear a sound and show an emoji.

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project and consists of a markdown, that transforms text to HTML.

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project, consists of a machine that shows you a random quote from friends with the photo from the character who said that, and change in a random way the colors.

Live demo


This page has been created under Gatsby technology, it consists of 2 pages, one is a blog about programming information and the second page is about my personal projects, all this can be read in English or Spanish.

Live demo


This page has been created to be a virtual diary, the logic behind this diary is that it will ask you a different question every day, for all year and after that, it will repeat the questions from last year every day, with that logic, you will be able to compare your answers throughout the time and know if you change your opinion about something with the time.

Live demo


This page has been created, to check the weather, on the web you will choose first the country and then the city. After that, you will be able to check the weather in Celcius or Fahrenheit and UV index

Live demo


This page has been created to be a virtual diary, the logic behind this diary is that it will ask you a different question every day, for all year and after that, it will repeat the questions from last year every day, with that logic, you will be able to compare your answers throughout the time and know if you change your opinion about something with the time.

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project, consists of a technical page with some information and a menu, that menu is clickable and take you to the part in the page with the information

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project, this page has a portfolio web with about page and information projects page.

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project, consist of a commercial page.

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project, consists of a survey form.

Live demo


This page has been created for a freecodecamp project, consistent in a tribute page about Britney Spears’s life.

Live demo